About 110 people turned out for the second annual One Community, One Book program Sunday (Oct. 2), sponsored by Arcadia’s Best Foundation.
Get the Flash Player to see this content. Attendees at the Church of the Good Shepherd heard from the author of the new novel “Cliff Falls,” C.B. Shiepe, in a Q&A and a reading, and also were treated to a dramatic interpretation of three scenes in the book by Arcadia High School intermediate drama students of teacher Steven Volple, and a panel discussion about the provocative themes of the book dealing with religious issues and pressures on young people. The panel consisted of the pastor of Good Shepherd, two Arcadia High school students, and two adults, including a teacher. All strongly agreed that the book captured the reality of the issues portrayed, with one woman saying it has impacted her life, for the first time allowing her to come to terms with her troubled youth and move on with her life. Mayor Gary Kovacic provided a surprise presentation of a certificate of recognition to Shiepe. Attendees enjoyed free sandwiches and drinks provided by Togo’s on Huntington Drive.
— By Scott Hettrick