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A Letter From The Arcadia City Manager To The Community

Hello Arcadia,

On Thursday, December 19, the City of Arcadia was notified of FBI activity on the 1000 block of Huntington Drive. The individual of primary interest to the FBI’s investigation was arrested in Chino Hills on charges that he acted as an illegal agent of the People’s Republic of China. That person was identified as Yaoning “Mike” Sun, who has no affiliation with the City of Arcadia. Sun made his initial appearance at the United States District Court for the Central District of California and no plea has yet been entered to our knowledge.

Campaign filings submitted to Arcadia during the 2022 General Municipal Election listed Sun as the Treasurer for Arcadia’s District 3 Candidate Eileen Wang. Council Member Wang has spoken to the FBI. She has not been arrested or charged with any crimes at this time. She has stated that she intends to fully cooperate with federal authorities throughout this process.

The investigation naturally raises concerns and questions about the extent of Sun’s involvement locally and throughout the region. At this time, Sun’s involvement is considered an isolated incident, with no known association with other members of the Arcadia City Council. Importantly, we can confirm that Sun had no involvement whatsoever with City of Arcadia business or decision-making.

The City of Arcadia supports a thorough and comprehensive investigation by our federal partners into these serious allegations. As this process unfolds, we will continue to inform and engage our residents on this matter.

We remain committed to building upon our foundation of trust and confidence through transparency and providing high-quality services. While this message reaches you amid the holiday season, I hope you can pause and reflect on the positive moments and achievements of the past year. We also encourage you to sign up for our new monthly e-newsletter at to stay informed on this matter and to see all the exciting things we have in store for 2025.

Kind regards, 

Dominic Lazzaretto

City Manager


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