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A “Program” for tech success

Want to become part of the computer science revolution that is taking place in colleges across the globe and in Silicon Valley? Andy Qin, a sophomore at UC Berkeley pursuing a B.A. in Computer Science, and Jon Ma, Valedictorian of Arcadia High School‘s Class of 2011 and former Student Body President, recently founded CodePrep, a 6 week Python and Web Development course for 13 to 18 year-olds in the San Gabriel Valley area.

Emily Zheng, a junior at Arcadia High School

CodePrep is unique because it emphasizes the science behind computer science, encouraging students to understand the program instead of memorizing basic information of language syntax. With this newfound understanding, they can have a greater grasp of other languages and paradigms. CodePrep will also help students become computational thinkers, build interactive websites and apps, and even possibly land future internships at JPL or Caltech. “Learning to program is not only one of the most demanded career skills in today’s market, but it’s also really fun and rewarding to learn,” state the two on their website, The course runs from February 15th to March 23rd, with lessons every Saturday and Sunday from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Arcadia Presbyterian Church. The deadline to register is January 20th, and space is limited to the first twenty students who sign up.

CodePrep’s proceeds will go directly to the founders’ college educations so they can help cover their rising tuition costs, give back to the community, and teach something they love to do all at once. For more information, email

— By Emily Zheng


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