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AHS Orchesis Dance show April 29-May 2

Come Join Orchesis Dance Company as we take you on a journey of dance, music, emotions and of course LOVE. Experience the joy, the pain, the drama, the blessing and everything else that comes with being loved. This year’s production will be more than just a dance show. It is an experience that stimulates all The senses. From the moment you walk in through the doors of the Performing Art’s Center you will feel as though you are entering the doors of any modern day museum, only this museum’s subject matter is LOVE. You don’t want to miss this show.

Show Dates and Times:

  1. April 29 Wednesday 7 p.m.

  2. April 30 Thursday 7 p.m.

  3. May 1 Friday 7 p.m.

  4. May 2 Saturday 6 p.m.

Buy your tickets from any Orchesis Company member or online at:

  1. Presale general Ticket $10

  2. Presale VIP Ticket $15 (Allows you to enter theater 15 minute before general Addmission)

  3. At the Door Ticket $15


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