The Southern California Gas Company building is one of Arcadia’s oldest remaining business buildings, built in 1927. When the Southern California Gas Company supplied gas to the residents of Arcadia, its business office was located in Monrovia. It was inconvenient for many customers to travel to Monrovia to do business with the firm, and they complained. The company listened and an Arcadia office was built, but not before a post card ballot was sent out to residents to help determine what part of the city the office would be located. Should the location be near City Hall or in West Arcadia? A First Avenue location won: 579 to 396 for the Baldwin-Duarte site.
Serar & Associates, an architectural firm, occupied the building for many years. Today, Le Spa by Sophie is the occupant. The owners are aware and proud of the buildings’ historical significance.
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Carol Libby and Karen Hou
Carol Libby & Karen Hou
Arcadia Historical Society