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Arcadia County Park

Prior to its development as a park, this land was the site of “Ross Field,” the World War I Balloon School. Anita Baldwin sold her father’s Santa Anita Racetrack property to the County of Los Angeles. The County, in turn, sold the 185 acres to the War Department and early in 1918 the area became “Ross Field.”

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In the 1930s the land was deeded back to Los Angeles County and developed as a Regional Park. Federal appropriations financed the project and a Dedication of the park took place in 1937. A golf course, swimming pools and bowling greens would be completed later.

The park was first named “Santa Anita Regional Park.” This led to some confusion with Santa Anita Park, the racetrack, so it was renamed “Arcadia County Park.” Today, the park is referred to as “Arcadia Park.”

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