For the period of Sunday, January 5th through Saturday, January 11th, the Police Department responded to 1,361 calls for service, of which 75 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of some of the incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, January 5:
At approximately 2:31 a.m., an officer responded to 400 South Baldwin Avenue regarding the
report of a stolen vehicle. The driver explained his car had been stolen and he had recently lost his keys. However, utilizing department resources, the officer discovered the vehicle had been involved in a hit and run incident just 30 minutes prior and was left unoccupied. An investigation revealed the driver filed a false police report as an alibi for the hit and run collision.
Monday, January 6:
At approximately 1:44 a.m., an officer responded to the area of First Avenue and Huntington
Drive regarding a trash can on fire. A review of the surveillance footage showed an unidentified suspect set fire to the contents in the trash can. The suspect walked away and returned later to reignite the fire. The suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with decals on the back resembling Lilo and Stitch movie characters.
Tuesday, January 7:
At approximately 7:10 a.m., an officer responded to Duke Bakery, located at 713 West Duarte
Road, regarding a commercial burglary. Surveillance cameras captured a lone male suspect
smashing a front window and ransacking the register. The loss is unknown.
Wednesday, January 8:
At approximately 6:12 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of East Haven
Avenue regarding two suspicious people seen via surveillance cameras in the backyard. The
homeowner observed the suspects at the back door through their security cameras and activated the audible alarm. The suspects fled to their vehicle. The homeowner called their neighbor to alert them of the burglary and the neighbor was able to capture a photograph of the suspects’ vehicle. The investigation is ongoing. No entry was made to the home and no loss was reported.
Thursday, January 9:
At approximately 11:34 p.m., officers responded to 986 Pharmacy, located at 846 West Duarte
Road, regarding an alarm activation. A review of the surveillance footage revealed two suspects forcibly entered the business, attempted to steal the safes but failed and fled emptyhanded. They fled in an awaiting white Honda HRV.
Friday, January 10:
At approximately 12:00 a.m., an officer responded to Chicha San Chen, located at 629 West Duarte Road, regarding a commercial burglary. An investigation revealed the suspects responsible for the 986 Pharmacy incident likely burglarized a second business.
Saturday, January 11:
At approximately 10:46 p.m., an officer responded to Knockouts, located at 1580 Clark Street,
regarding a battery investigation. The officer determined the suspect punched the victim in the face for no apparent reason. The suspect was identified as a 33-year-old male.