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Arcadia Town Center Mixed-Use Development at 5-19 W. Huntington Drive and 25-75 N. Santa Anita Avenue

The item before the Planning Commission was for a new mixed-use development at the northwest corner of Santa Anita and Huntington Dr. The Applicant (New World International) is proposing to consolidate five legal lots into a single parcel to build a new five-story mixed-use development with contemporary design that will consist of 181 condominium units, 13,130 square feet of ground-floor commercial space, and 378 parking spaces. Some residential amenities include a swimming pool, recreation center, fitness center, and two clubhouses. The commercial spaces will be located along Huntington Drive and Santa Anita Avenue, and they will be connected to four public plazas and outdoor seating on the ground level. The project will include parking for residents, guests, and customers, as well as subterranean parking level for residents.

There was one speaker present to speak in opposition to the project citing concerns with the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and that there were significant impacts that should require an Environmental Impact Report.

The project manager of the MND responded to the opposition. The speaker had provided the same concerns in a letter submitted during the comment period of the MND, and a response letter was provided to the Commissioners as part of the Agenda Packet. The Commissioners liked the project and expressed no concerns.

The project was found to comply with the Subdivision Map Act, Development Code, and Multi-Family Design guidelines, and all required findings could be made. The Planning Commission was in favor of the proposal and unanimously approved the project. Because there are no zoning modifications, this project does not require City Council review or approval without being called up for review. The appeal period for this item ends on Monday, January 27.


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