CalSPRA President Stephen Nichols (left) AUSD Public Information Officer Ryan Foran (right)
Arcadia Unified School District‘s Public Information Officer Ryan Foran was recognized with an award of merit in San Francisco Saturday by a statewide school public relations organization for an announcement story he wrote about the District’s implementation late last year of a new state test for students.
The California School Public Relations Association (CalSPRA), which promotes better public understanding, commitment, and support of public education, presented AUSD the Award of Merit in its Excellence in Communication Awards Program in the writing category. “It is a pleasure to award Arcadia Unified and Ryan Foran with this deserving award,” said CalSPRA President Stephen Nichols. “Effective communication connects our communities to our classrooms and builds support for quality learning environments.”
The story that was honored is titled “New State Testing Goes Smoothly for Arcadia Unified,” which details the process of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Field Test that approximately 5,000 Arcadia Unified students took for the first time at the end of the 2013-2014 school year. Awards were presented at CalSPRA’s Annual Conference and Awards Banquet.
CalSPRA’s Excellence in Communication Awards Program recognizes the successful efforts of education agencies and their communications professionals in producing materials and services that meet the information needs of our communities. Each entry is evaluated by communication professionals on the overall excellence of the entry as well as its performance against other entries received in the category.
— By Scott Hettrick