Dinner Church is an alternative to our Sunday morning services and is led by our Associate Pastor, Lydia Sohn. This service is more casual, participatory, modern and includes a meal as we create a sacred worship space around the meal table. Services are held in the church lounge on Saturday evenings beginning at 5:00 p.m.
We are progressive and inclusive, which means that all are welcome. We are a diverse, inter-generational and LGBTQI safe community.
We do offer childcare for children under 7 years old and any children over the age of 7 are welcome to join us for the service. For parents with children under 7 years old, we recommend you arriving about 5-10 minutes early to transition your children to the nursery/playground where there are trained childcare providers. All kids, no matter the age, are then welcomed back into the service for our dinner together.
Email Pastor Lydia at pastorlydia@cgsum.org if you have additional questions about the service.