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From Winery to Racetrack

In his time, Baldwin did for California wines what no other winery or dealer did, he aged his wines in the wood and refused to put any of them on the market until they had mellowed by age and to perfection. His wines and brandies won gold medals and blue ribbons wherever they were shown, at the Cotton Centennial in New Orleans in 1884, at the Mechanics Institute in San Francisco in 1885 and at exhibits in Paris, France, Mexico and South America.

One of Baldwin’s brick winery buildings still exists overlooking the turf course at Santa Anita Racetrack.

Baldwin’s vineyards located on the grounds of today’s racetrack were uprooted by Anita Baldwin and replaced by pastures for her Anoakia Breeding Farm livestock.

Lupe Cuellar, daughter of the winemaker, lived and worked on the ranch. She drew this map of the property as she remembered it from her youth.

We hope you enjoy our Historical Tid Bits about Arcadia, CA

Carol Libby and Karen Hou

Please feel free to share, post, tweet and spread the history! Carol Libby & Karen Hou

Arcadia Historical Society


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