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Lucky Baldwin’s Chariot Races at the Rose Parade


Chariot racing prior to the Rose Parade in Pasadena’s Tournament Park was a pastime for Lucky Baldwin between 1904 and 1909. His horses made the races exciting and famous, as did his driver, C.C. West.

Baldwin’s horses were high-strung racers, trained by West to be run-aways and selected by him as a 4-horse team to run a mile race. No one was ever seriously hurt, but many a chariot, designed exactly after an ancient Greek chariot, was demolished during the race.

It was a very expensive venture and Baldwin was one of the few who could afford it. Chariot races ended in 1915, and in 1916, the sport of football was returned.

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Carol Libby and Karen Hou

Carol Libby and Karen Hou

Tid Bits about Arcadia, CA.

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Carol Libby & Karen Hou Arcadia Historical Society


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