Julie Harris with Mayor's proclamation at Society program. Photo by Emily Zheng.
Arcadia Historical Society president Gene Glasco organized a very special treat for the Society’s quarterly general membership meeting and program Thursday by honoring Tony Antista, composer of the Arcadia High School fight song and “Beautiful, Beautiful Santa Anita.” (Hear original accordion recordings of the songs and get further details and photos from the event at the web site of the Arcadia Historical Society.) Mayor Gary Kovacic presented Antista’s daughter and granddaughter Jacqueline and Julie Harris, respectively, with a city proclamation in front of dozens of attendees at Pepper’s Mexican Restaurant, declaring Thursday, October 27, 2011 “Tony Antista Day,” while about 30 members of the Arcadia High School Pep Band made a surprise appearance and played a few renditions of the school’s fight song to thunderous applause, according to attendees. — By Scott Hettrick