Come to The Santa Anita Church’s pancake breakfast at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13, and hear the children of the Barnhart School Chorus sing.
A church service will follow, then you may stay and sing carols.
Afterwards, choose a paper angel that bears the first name of a local needy child, his or her age and clothing size, and a short wish list of toys, books, games, or clothing. Tape the angel to your unwrapped gift(s)—a minimum value of $20.00, please—and return them to the church office by Sunday, December 20, and the Foothill Unity Center will get them to the children in time for Christmas.
The Santa Anita Church is located at 226 W. Colorado Blvd., Arcadia. For further information, contact Amalia Seresinghe at (626) 446-8206.