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Republicans BBQ

Arcadia Republicans cordially invite you to:

The Great American B.B.Q.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009 – 6 p.m.

At the home of Peter and Jackie Amundson 275 W. Longden Ave., Arcadia

Delicious baby back ribs and baked beans by our Master Chef Steve Johnson salads – other assorted dishes – soft drinks – beer -wine

Bring your bibs and enjoy the ribs

Silent auction – Beautiful Baskets – Hand Made Afghans

Our Special Guest Speaker:

Chuck DeVore, candidate for state senate

Invited Guests:

Congressman David Dreier, Assemblyman Anthony Adams, Assemblyman Bob Huff, Supervisor Mike Antonovich, Talk Show Host Mark Isler

Ticket price per person: $25 – $30 at the door – rsvp by Sept. 1, 2009

Please mail in a form with the following information:

Please reserve _____ tickets, Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________ Guest name(s): _____________________________ _________________________________________ I will not be able to attend, but wish to make a donation: $_________

Make checks payable to: Arcadia Republicans, Inc. 43C E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, Ca. 91006

For information / reservations: phone 626-447-3534


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