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Retired Teachers Week to be Celebrated November 5-11, 2017

Retired Teachers Never Stop Caring about Students and Education

The California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) has good reason to celebrate Retired Teachers

Week, November 5-11. This organization has been going strong since its beginnings in 1929 when it was founded (CRTA then) through the efforts of Laura Settle, a retired Pasadena educator, with five or six people. Now the state organization numbers more than 41,000 members!

Although retired, these retirees make an impact on their local communities through their incredible contributions. Volunteering is a major contribution CalRTA retirees make. The October issue of CalRTA’s “Contact” publication states that in 2016 members contributed over two million hours of volunteer services, which translates to more than $55 million. The dollar value is computed using values from the Independent Sector website.

Of equal importance is that CalRTA members, like other public employees, give back to their communities and to the state economically through pension spending. This spending results in more than 375,000 jobs and $10.9 billion in federal, state, and local tax revenues.

Finally, Retired Teachers make direct contributions to their communities through classroom teacher grants and scholarships to future teachers. This year, the CalRTA #71 (SGV) presented classroom grants to classroom teachers in Arcadia, Temple City, Rosemead, and other area schools to enable them to purchase additional materials and equipment.

Membership in CalRTA is open to all retired educators, as well as to any others interested in joining this active group. Local CalRTA #71 (SGV) meets at the Senior Center in Arcadia Park (county park). For more information, please call Marietta Watkins at (323) 258-9615 or Patricia Dietrich at (626) 446-8437.


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