The City of Arcadia has scheduled an Open House to discuss plans to improve pedestrian safety and encourage students and parents to walk to Hugo Reid Elementary School. The Open House is scheduled for 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Arcadia Public Library, 20 W. Duarte Road, on Thursday, Nov. 14. (Details below the following flier – map at bottom…)

The City has received Federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding in the amount of $647,700. The funding will pay for roadway improvements and pedestrian program that would encourage students to walk to school. As part of the funding application, the City has identified pedestrian corridors that connect Hugo Reid Elementary School with the community, and pedestrian improvement areas (map below).
Corridors: • North-South Corridors: Michillinda Avenue, Altura Road, Golden West Avenue, and Baldwin Avenue • East-West Corridors: Huntington Drive, Balboa Drive, and Hugo Reid Drive
Pedestrian Improvements: • Intersection Reconfigurations – Hugo Reid Dr. and Golden West Ave. • Sidewalk Gap Closure – Sunset Blvd. between north of Portola Dr. and Balboa Dr. • Reduced corner radii/tightened corners – Various Locations • Shortened intersection crossing distance – Various Locations • Raised pedestrian crosswalk – Hugo Reid Dr. at Corto Rd. • Pedestrian Countdown Clocks and ADA Ped Push Buttons – Various intersections along Huntington Dr. • Visible Crosswalk Striping – Various Locations
Process and timeline • Design – present to April 2014 The design is being done in-house, and includes Engineering Design and Public Outreach components • Construction – July 2014 – October 2014 (targeted dates)
Public Outreach Process and School Support
The physical improvements are located throughout the community surrounding Hugo Reid Elementary School. The City is gearing up to begin the public outreach process.
• Hugo Reid Elementary School PTSA – City met with the Hugo Reid ES PTSA on October 29, 2013 to inform them of the upcoming meeting and project activities, and requested them for their help in distributing the meeting notice to parents. • Community Open Houses – the first open house is scheduled for November 14, 2013, at the City Library. The subsequent community meeting/open house will be held prior to final design (tentatively in February 2014). • Project Location Specific Meetings – Staff plans to meet with residents who may be directly affected by the sidewalk and intersection improvements.
