On the same day that NFL quarterback Brett Favre decided to reverse recent reports of his retirement yet again and rejoin the Minnesota Vikings, his third team since 2007, Santa Anita Park owner Frank Stronach met with horse owners to tell them he was also reversing course and would completely replace the track surface for the third time since 2007.
It’s back to the dirt again at a cost of $6 million, according to ArcadiasBest.com blogger Larry Stewart, after three seasons of record rain outs and poor drainage through two different synthetic surfaces, the first of which cost a reported $10 million – $11 million to install. Stronach vowed to have the new (old?) track installed in time for the start of Santa Anita’s next meet on Dec. 26.
In the meantime, October’s tentatively final Oak Tree Racing meet at Santa Anita is still up in the air, with preliminary results of recent testing of the safety of the track expected today at monthly meeting of the California Horse Racing Board at Del Mar. The CHRB ordered the testing after concerns were expressed regarding rocks that had been churned up during still further repairs on the synthetic track over the past few weeks.
If the Oak Tree meet is allowed to proceed, work on the replacement of the track would begin immediately following the meet which ends Oct. 31 in hopes of allowing horses to begin working on the track in early December.
— By Scott Hettrick