Young filmmaker Eddie Mnoian has directed a five-minute video called “A Weekend at Santa Anita” about the history and stature of Santa Anita Park.
The film features gorgeous scenery of the iconic track, with remarks by Margaux Viera, the great-great-great granddaughter of the founder of Arcadia and horse racing in this area, Lucky Baldwin. Comments of many others are included as well (including myself, I will sheepishly admit). Mnoian and his fellow camera operator Steven Gute of White Rabbit Films both came to interview me recently at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce and did an outstanding and professional job with the photography, editing, and all aspects of the short film. Take a few minutes to watch the dazzling video below, which has been submitted as part of the first HRTV Film Festival at Santa Anita. Cast a vote for your favorite video here at the HRTV web site.
A Weekend At Santa Anita from Eddie Mnoian on Vimeo.— By Scott Hettrick